Lysiae Oratoris Graeciae disertissimi Orationes.
Marburg, Ludovic Bourgeat, 1683
In-8 (170 x 105 mm), [7] ff, 555 pp, [17] pp, brown calf, triple gilt fillet, gilt arms in center, gilt numeral in corners, spine decorated with repeated gilt numerals, red edges; binding worn, head cap missing, jaws cracked and rubbed, one corner dull, paper dull (Period binding).
A fascinating speech by the Greek orator Lysias in Latin translation.
Charming relic bound for the Duc de Montausier with the arms and cipher he shared with his late wife Julie d'Angennes.
The duke and duchess adorned their books with their coats of arms and a cipher combining their initials. Charles de Sainte-Maure continued this practice after his widowhood, as this volume testifies.
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