Showing 1–60 of 131 resultsSorted by latest
Decretalium copiosum argumentum. Divisiones glosarum ex Johanis andree novella diligenter deprompte: hic diligenter annotantur.
Important Lyon edition of Gregory IX’s “Decretals”, published by François Fradin in 1515.
Neue freie Dekorationsmotive entwickelt aus dem Tier- und Pflanzenreich. Eine Auswahl von Entwürfen im modernen Stil mit Rücksicht auf die praktische Verwendung im Kunstgewerbe.
Superb album containing 20 Jugendstil chromolithographed plates, some of them japonisantes.
Small archive of a student in the workshop of William Bouguereau and Gabriel Ferrier at the Académie Julian.
Original drawings, invitations to studio balls, silver photographs of workshops…
A copiously annotated working copy by Dominique Blanchar, showing his appropriation of the Ondine character and the reworking of the text compared with the 1939 version.
Fan project “Une nuit d’été”.
Charming fan design printed on satin and enhanced with gouache and watercolor.
Dissertation civico-théologique ou Discours sur l’organisation civile du clergé.
A collection of revolutionary documents reflecting on the clergy and theology, particularly in Limoges.
Arrest du Conseil d’Etat du Roy, qui ordonne l’exécution des Statuts et Règlement pour les fabriques de Lyon. Du 19 juin 1744. Paris, de l’Imprimerie royale, 1744. [Suivi de :] Statuts et règlements pour la communauté des maîtres marchands et maîtres ouvriers […] [Suivi de :] Arrest du Conseil d’Etat du Roy, qui révoque l’Arrêt du Conseil du 10. août 1744. Du 25. Février 1745.
Copy of a master guard from the Communauté des maîtres et marchands fabricants en étoffes d’or, d’argent et de soie de Lyon, with his handwritten letter of permission.
Reglemens et statuts, Concernant le Commerce, Art et Fabrique des Draps, d’Or, d’Argent et de Soye, & autres Etoffes mélangées, qui se font dans la Ville de Lyon et Faux-bourgs d’icelle, et dans tout le Païs de Lyonnois.
Copy of Ennemond Mogniat de l’Écluse (circa 1681-1751), alderman of the city of Lyon.
Notebook of gouache, pen and pencil drawings of Art Nouveau decorative elements.
Charming schoolbook containing gouache compositions and numerous Art Nouveau drawings.
LAMARTINE (Alphonse de)
Le Civilisateur, histoire de l’humanité par les grands hommes.
A charming copy preserved as issued, in rare condition.
Défense des Émigrés français adressée au peuple français par Trophime Gérard de Lally Tolendal.
A period copy of this vigorous plea in favor of French émigrés, which met with great success in post-revolutionary France.
Anecdotes de médecine.
Amusing literary trickery, “une petite pyraterie”.
Loci medicinae communes, tribus libris digesti. [Suivi de :] Appendix ad tres superiores locorum medicinae communium libros.
First edition, decorated with a portrait of the author in an engraved medallion and fine engraved marks by Sébastien Gryphe.
Poetarum omnium seculorum longe principis Homeri omnia quae quidem extant opera, Graece, adiecta versione Latina ad verbum […]
Charming Basel edition of the ancient Greek and Latin texts of the Iliad and Odyssey.
Broadside for L’École des femmes at the Théâtre de l’Athénée.
Dominique Blanchar’s personal poster, framed and carefully preserved by her.
SPINOLA (Publio Francesco)
P. Francisci Spinulae Mediolanensis Opera.
First collective edition of the works of Publio Francesco Spinola.
Au Théâtre de la Renaissance. Véra Korène. Pour vos enfants. Tous les jeudis à 15 heures. Une Aventure de Babar.
Charming and rare poster for a Babar adventure
Suite of two pen-and-ink drawings enhanced with watercolor: Extension exercises. Judging their own time.
An amusing cockfight drawn by British cartoonist Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925).
Collection of 5 advertising drawings and 5 countertypes or drawings of telephone materials, mainly for the Thomson-Houston Telephone Company.
5 advertising drawings in Indian ink, 2 drawings in gouache and 3 countertypes of telephone cabinets.
Collection of 6 Parisian death broadsides.
Un Premier Commis du Trésor Royal, un Conseiller du Roy en les conseils d’Etat et Privé, un Ancien Notaire au Chastelet, un Avocat au Parlement et Notaire au Chastelet et deux Bourgeois de Paris.
HEREDIA (José-Maria de)
Les Trophées.
Autograph signed letter to Orientalist painter Benjamin-Constant.
Set of two illustrated manuscript volumes on bookbinding and its history, and a volume of drawings by bookbinder Claude Larue Duverne, known as Larue Duverne fils.
One volume is illustrated with 78 reproductions of bindings cut from catalogs, and 6 original drawings of decorated bindings signed by the bookbinder.
Ici commence l’Etente du Roi notre Sire, en l’Isle de Guernesey, extraite de Latin en François, l’An de Grace 1498. [Suivi de :] Ensuit l’Entente des Droits, Coûtumes, Rentes, Revenus, Services & Hommages appartenans & dûs à notre souveraine Dame Elizabeth [Suivi de :] An Extent of His Majesty’s Revenue in the Island of Guernsey made in the Reign of King James I. Anno 1607.
Interesting collection of handwritten copies of the “extentes” of the island of Guernsey, detailing the various revenues of the English crown on the island.
Chromolithographic print printed publicly at the Palais de l’Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1867.
Exceptional proof printed publicly at the 1867 World’s Fair.
Au Paradis terrestre. Cretaine, successeur de Deslaudres, confiseur, rue Montorgueil, 21.
Large lithographed circular label for the Parisian confectioner Cretaine, perhaps made for a box lid?
Letterpress album produced for the European Jubilee of the Invention of Printing. History of the invention of printing through monuments.
Charming typographic album produced for the European jubilee of the invention of printing. The dedication leaf features a “First proof of a new typeface”.
L’An mil huit cent soixante-sept, le mardi vingt-sept août, sa Majesté l’Empereur Napoléon III a daigné honorer de sa visite l’imprimerie L. Danel, à Lille.
Large-scale color and gilding print on porcelain paper, a typographic feat commemorating Napoleon III’s visit to the Danel printing works.
Lithographic stone for a document from the Dubuffet warehouses in Le Havre. Rum. Wines from Algeria. Fine foreign wines. Direct printing.
An amusing reminder of the important alcohol import and distribution business founded by Charles Alexandre Dubuffet (1870-1927), father of the first Art Brut theorist Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985).
Déscription abrégeé [sic] de l’Hopital royal de la Marine à Greenwich, extraite de la relation historique, publiée par Messieurs les Chapelains.
A very rare French translation that could only be purchased at its sole point of sale: Greenwich Hospital.
Le Siècle, commencera le 1er Juin, L’Auberge du Monde, tableau de Paris de 1867 à 1870, par Hector Malot.
A beautiful poster showing the most beautiful monuments in Paris on a single map.
Elévations au Sacré-coeur.
A rare edition which only appeared during the month of April 1834 in order to pray for the events of the Rue Transnonain, the massacre of Parisians by Louis-Philippe’s soldiers.
Incendie de Salins. Notice historique sur cette ville, son origine, sa position topographique, sa population, son industrie, etc. Suivie du récit de sa catastrophe.
Rare work printed in aid of the Salins-les-Bains fire victims in the Jura.
Échange de cartes.
Copy enriched with an original drawing and 6 autograph postcards, four from Devillers to Boutet and two from Boutet to Devillers.
Box for account books by Chaulin, papermaker to the King.
Charming book-box signed Chaulin, papermaker to the King.
Le Rire aux éclats. Journal de Poilus rédigé dans les tranchées pendant la Grande Guerre 1914-1918. 74e Division d’Infanterie Secteur 185.
Complete collection of 24 issues of this rare trench journal.
Journal de Guignol, drolatique, satirique, amphigourique, cascadeur, fouailleur et gouailleur [Followed by] Journal de Gnafron, cousin de Guignol, organe de la décentralisation littéraire et artistique [Followed by] La Galerie du Journal de Guignol.
Rare satirical reviews from Lyon, testimony to republican and internationalist opposition under the Second Empire.
[BECELLI (Giulio Cesare)]
Della novella poesia cioe’ del vero genere e particolari bellezze della poesia italiana. Libri tre.
A fine copy in contemporary red morocco bearing the label formerly affixed by the bookbinder Padeloup.
Nécessaire Mademoiselle Eléonore Moreau.
Charming book containing a young girl’s toiletries in 1820.
CÉLINE (Louis-Ferdinand)
Carbon copy of the publishing contract for Voyage au bout de la nuit, from the author’s archives.
A publishing contract for Voyage au bout de la nuit from the Céline archives.
Important album of Epinal imagery and engravings composed by a child.
A charming record of a child’s print collection, with 68 Epinal images and engravings about childhood.
Invoice from a surgeon treating the Jewish community of Avignon.
An intimate source for the inhabitants of the Avignon quarry in the 18th century.
Sculpted bas-relief used as a model in the “ABC des travaux manuels” published by Hetzel in 1912.
Executed by E.-J. Faix, “an amateur who became an accomplished master, a consummate artist”.
Two plates of uncut posters for Fantasio magazine.
Charming color lithographed posters by Auguste Roubille (1872-1955), the resident illustrator of all Fantasio magazine covers.
Historia de la Curación de Antigua de San Pablito Pahuatlan Pue.
Folk medicine manuscript describing shamanic rituals, illustrated with 30 cut-and-paste elements, by Mexican shaman Alfonso García Téllez.
Calligraphy on vellum skin.
The letters feature feathered lines indicating their proportions, revealing the educational nature of this document.
Prospectus for a new edition of the Encyclopédie, which will contain 32 two-column in-4 volumes, offered for subscription by Pellet, Bookseller in Geneva.
Very rare prospectus of the first in-4 edition of Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie, published by Jean Léonard Pellet in Geneva.
A notebook of watercolors and drawings echoing his work as an engraver.
à mon vieil ami Lucien [Scheler] ces exercices autour du large dans ce monde très à l’étroit, Paris le 6 3 81, ton Flocon
Charming painting of the Virgin Mary crowned with a calligram on the reverse.
Charming painting on vellum skin depicting the Virgin Mary crowned, with a lovely calligram on the reverse.
Pen drawing, Indian ink, watercolor, wash, with matchbox collage.
O tempora! O Mores!
Charming depiction of Saint Barbara made from a combination of different materials mounted on vellum skin.
Enhanced engravings, varnished and gilded (?) paper, various fabrics and brilliant mica glitter ornaments.
Charming depiction of Saint Catherine composed of an assemblage of different materials mounted on vellum skin.
Enhanced engravings, drawn elements, fabrics…
Union des Femmes trompées de France. Diplôme d’honneur.
A rare document for husbands with dubious humor to offer on April 1st.
Manuscript collection of revolutionary songs.
9 revolutionary songs singing of the Montagnards, the Sans-culotte, the Phrygian Cap, the Supreme Being…
Service du Grand Écuyer. Voyage de Leurs Majestés en Bretagne.
Very rare booklet-program of this important imperial journey, drawn up and printed in a dozen copies by the Grand Écuyer to serve as a logbook for members of Their Majesties’ honorary service.
Service du Grand Écuyer. Voyage de Leurs Majestés et de Son Altesse le Prince Impérial. En Lorraine.
Very rare booklet-program of this important imperial journey, drawn up and printed in a dozen copies by the Grand Écuyer to serve as a logbook for members of Their Majesties’ honorary service.
Drawing of the King in hunter’s garb.
A previously unpublished original drawing by the King of the disowned version of the legendary first French animated feature The King and the Bird.
Specimen des nouveaux caractères de la fonderie et de l’imprimerie de P. Didot, l’aîné. Dédié à Jules Didot, fils.
The very first collection of Didot typefaces in book form.
Collection of three different versions of the untraceable prospectus for the Encyclopédie méthodique.
General prospectus, abridged general prospectus and prospectus reduced to the essentials of the Methodical Encyclopedia.
Letterpress poster for the 1886 Workers’ Exhibition.
Rare proof of this artistic typographic poster by Valentin Courchinoux (1854-1894) for the 1886 workers’ exhibition.
Carnet de bal.
Rare specimen binding with chased brass boards, decorated with a painted miniature of a young woman.
Showing 1–60 of 131 resultsSorted by latest