Les Flibustiers de la mer du Sud.
Paris, Georges Servant, 1926.
In-8 (225 x 145 mm), bradel white vellum decorated on each cover with a painted and varnished composition, spine decorated with painted compositions, lining and endpapers in handmade gilt paper, daffodil head, untrimmed (Binding decorated by Jean-Paul Alaux).
Beautifully decorated binding by the painter and architect Jean-Paul Alaux (1876-1955), with a preparatory drawing for the decor.
The edition was adapted by him and illustrated with numerous woodcuts by his cousin Gustave Alaux (1887-1965) and a fold-out map.
A student of Victor Laloux at the École des Beaux-Arts, Jean-Paul Alaux graduated in 1903. He exhibited works as early as 1897, first at the Salon de la Société nationale des Beaux-Arts, then between 1901 and 1909 at the Salon des Artistes français, where he received an "honorable mention" in 1904; and finally five times, between 1905 and 1920, at the Salon de la Société des Amis des Arts de Bordeaux.
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