Théâtre-Français. Les comédiens ordinaires du Roi donneront aujourd’hui vendredi 26 juillet 1816, Le Philinte de Molière…
Paris, Ballard, Imprimeur du Roi, juillet 1816.
Printed poster (405 x 300 mm); browned paper, small tears and missing parts, minor restorations on reverse.
Rare specimen poster from the Théâtre-Français or Comédie-Française, announcing a same-day performance of Fabre-d'Eglantine's Philinte de Molière, followed by Kotzebue's Deux frères, translated and arranged for the French stage by MM. Weiss, Jauffret and Patrat.
Performances at the end of the week are also announced: Les Templiers and Brueïs et Palaprat on Saturday and La Femme jalouse et l'Hôtel garni on Sunday.
The actors for each performance are listed: St-Fal, Damas, Baptiste ainé, Lacave, Thénard, Devigny, Monrose, Mlle Dupuis, Michot, Bourgoin, Gersay, St-Prix, Talma, Lafon, Michelot, Dumilâtre, Desmousseaux, Fleury, Baptiste cadet and Mlle Georges.
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