Œuvres. Poèmes barbares. [et] Poèmes antiques.
Collection de 2 volumes in-12 (165 x 105 mm), basane fauve, décors de cuir repoussé et teinté, dos orné, non rogné ; décor peint partiellement effacé, quelques petites épidermures, traces de cire, un mors fendu (Reliure de l’époque).
Fine examples of bindings with embossed and tinted leather decorations, probably early productions of bookbinder and adventurer Anita Conti, born Caracotchian (1899-1997).
The decoration on the first cover of Poèmes barbares bears Anita's partially effaced signature, and the false titles of the volumes are signed Cara-Cotchian.
"After the First World War, Anita became an art bookbinder, and the greatest authors of the time passed through her hands: Francis Carco, Jean Giraudoux, Blaise Cendrars, Pierre Mac Orlan, who nicknamed her ‘she who listens to books speak’. Her work was recognized and she won numerous awards, notably in London, New York and Brussels." (1).
In 1939, Anita Conti ceased her book publishing career to devote herself fully to the study of the ocean, becoming France's first oceanographer in the process. As early as 1940, she became concerned about the effects of industrial fishing and overfishing.
The Poèmes barbares volume also features 37 original watercolors of flowers, with typographic ornaments enhanced in color.
(1) Collectif. Femmes de lettres en Bretagne, matrimoine littéraire et itinéraires de lecture. Goater, 2021. p. 93
1 500€
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