Autographed collection of poems, articles, stories and short stories, notably for the Journal des Dames et des Modes.
Paris, 1819-1821
Large in-4 (330 x 215 mm), approx. 70 pieces on 140 pages, black half cloth (19th century binding).
Important collection of around 70 autographed articles, poems, stories and short stories by almanac and children's book author Jean-Pierre Brès (1782-1832). His Livre-joujou, published at the end of 1831 by Louis Janet, is considered to be the first animated pull-tab book.
Some of the pieces in this collection appear to have been published, as shown by those addressed to the director of the Journal des Dames et des Modes in Paris. The articles are signed with the author's name or initials, and sometimes with pseudonyms such as Dulcindor, Al G., Douxdoux, J.P.B. Mathanasius or Aimé Bonaventure Doucet. Some of the texts are corrected and annotated by another hand, perhaps by an editor.
These manuscripts cover the main areas of Jean-Pierre Brès's popular literary output:
- Humorous chronicles of Parisian life: Requête aux dames du Faubourg Saint Germain (page 203 of the collection, on the need for a controller general of jams), La matinée du dimanche aux Tuileries (p. 64), Jeter de la poudre aux yeux (p. 185), Mes projets de réforme (p. 187, on the management of the City of Paris' expenses), or short notes on improvements and embellishments to the Luxembourg Gardens (pp. 13 and 49).
- Humor, poetry and children's entertainment: Nouveau traité de ponctuation (p. 35), L'Art de connaitre les personnes par le rire (p. 45), Le verre d'eau sucrée ( p.7), also with a calligram, riddles...
- Romanticism: Les illusions du soir (p. 161), Notes extraites de l'album d'un solitaire (p. 43), L'amour exilé. Idylle (p. 67) or Tivoli in 1816 (p. 29).
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