Reglemens et statuts, Concernant le Commerce, Art et Fabrique des Draps, d’Or, d’Argent et de Soye, & autres Etoffes mélangées, qui se font dans la Ville de Lyon et Faux-bourgs d’icelle, et dans tout le Païs de Lyonnois.

Lyon, André Laurens, 1720.

In-8 (177 x 114 mm), blond basane, gilt fillet, fleur-de-lys at corners, gilt supra-libris on first board, spine decorated with repeated fleur-de-lys, gilt edges; some rubbing, small worm gallery at head of spine causing small leather loss (Binding circa 1740).

A fine copy of this collection of laws for the use of merchants, masters and drapery workers in Lyon.

A copy of Ennemond Mogniat de l'Écluse (circa 1681-1751), alderman of the city of Lyon in 1738 and 1739, with his supra-libris on the front cover and a printed bookplate bound in at the head of the volume.
The volume subsequently passed into the library of his son, François-Marie Mogniat de l'Écluse (1728-1793), who affixed his armorial bookplate.

This compendium of laws for the use of Lyon's merchants, masters and drapery workers had a rightful place in an alderman's library, as its function was close to that of the Provost of Merchants.
Aldermen were appointed for a single two-year term on Saint Thomas's Day, and their title, rarely conferred before the age of forty, gave them access to the nobility. Their remit was manifold: jurisdiction over city security, custody of the keys to the city gates, ordinary city police, health office, jurisdiction over arts and crafts, jurisdiction over the conservation of fairs and supplies, etc.


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