HEUZÉ (Edmond)

Monsieur Victor.

Paris, Les Editions de France, 1931.

In-12 (190 x 125 mm), red morocco, smooth spine, gilt edges on witnesses, midnight blue calf lining, double endpapers, cover and spine preserved; spine slightly darker, small defects to linings (Marot-Rodde).

First edition of this novel of Parisian manners, with a preface by André Billy. We owe it to the painter Edmond Heuzé (1883-1967), who illustrated it with a color cover and 5 full-page black illustrations.

"Avouerai-je, pour finir, que Monsieur Victor m'en a appris plus long sur le "milieu" que tout ce que j'avais lu sur le sujet jusqu'à présent ? Parmi les "classiques" de la pègre, Monsieur Victor a désormais sa place entre L'équipe de Carco et Au lion tranquille, de Marmouset." - André Billy

A unique copy with the artist's color-enhanced illustrations and signed autograph letter.
It also includes three press clippings concerning the work and Heuzé, including an article by André Billy.

Charming Art Deco aesthetic in a fine lined binding by the bookbinders Marot and Rodde.


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