Collection of three illustrated magazines devoted to international xylography, particularly in the U.S.S.R.

Marseille, 1926-1947.

3 magazines containing a total of 20 issues in a large in-4 volume (340 x 270 mm), bradel red half-percaline, untrimmed, covers (Modern binding).

Set of 15 issues, nos. 25 and 30 (1926-1927) and 1 to 9 (1930-1932)
Marseille, 1926-1932.
Texts by Louis Barthou, Léon Cadenel, Philippe Chabaneix, René Druart, Pierre-Louis Flouquet, Jean Giono, Michel de Ghelderode, Léon-Camille Maître, André de Richaud, Suzanne Sardin, André Suarès, Raymond de la Tailhède, Georges Turpin, Léon Vérane, etc.
Illustrations including out-of-text engravings by Louis Audibert, Jan-Frans Cantré, Auguste Chabaud, Paul-Émile Colin, André Derain, Nicolas Eekman, Pierre Flouquet, Joseph Frégier, Pierre Gandon, Frans Masereel, Picart-le-Doux, Marcel Prunier (signée), Suzanne Sardin, etc.
This set contains the bonus from n°2 (engraving signed by J.F. Cantré), and two additional engravings from n°6. No. 30 includes 6 hors texte engravings, 5 of the 7 advertised.

XYLOGRAPHIE. Revue internationale de gravures sur bois.
The first 3 issues.
Marseille, 1932-1933.
Collection of the first three issues of this magazine, the third is devoted to engraving in the U.S.S.R.
Introductions by Marcelle Capy and X. Tikhonova.
Engravings, some signed by Nicolas Eekman, Vladimir Flavorsky, Andrei Gontcharov, S. Indovine, Kaethe Kollwits, Vladimir Konachevitch, Alexei Kravtchenko, Kulisiewicz, Iain Macnab, Leopoldo Mendez, Dimitri Mitrokhine, C. Pal Molnar, N. Ska-Boytchux, P. Staronossov, Henri Van Straeten, Max Svabinsky and Paul Véra.

GRAPHIES. Published by the Union internationale des arts plastiques de Marseille.
The first 2 issues.
Marseille, 1947.
Texts by René Seyssaud.Lithographs, most signed, byPaul Baille, François Berthet, E.M. Bouvier, Auguste Chabaud, J.A. Chanas, François, Diana, Antoine Ferrari, Clément Février, C. Jammes, Pascal Liscia, Richard Mandin, Pierre Marseille, Hélène Martin, Max Papart, A. Revera, René Seyssaud, Louis Toncini, Renzo Vestrini.
Edition of 100 copies.

A very fine and rare collection of international woodcuts.

1 800

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