Aminta. Favola boschereccia di Torquato Tasso.

Paris, Nepveu, 1813 [et] Paris, Klostermann, [1813].

2 works in one in-12 volume (160 x 100 mm), midnight-blue morocco, gilded fillet and cold-rolled spine, gilded edges; heavy foxing, bookplate faded on first endpaper (Simier)

Charming Italian edition of this five-act adaptation of L'Aminte, published by Nepveu, bookseller at Passage des Panoramas.
It is illustrated with a black frontispiece after Alexandre Desenne and 5 hors-texte and 5 bandeaux printed in color.

This copy contains the French version of the same work, illustrated with a frontispiece, a title vignette and 6 black hors-texte. Some hors-texte are engraved after Alexandre Desenne or Pierre-Paul Prud'hon.
The volume also contains a suite of headbands from the Italian edition in black, the title vignette and a portrait of Tasso.

The vast majority of copies in online library catalogs are illustrated, as this copy is, with a frontispiece and 5 color plates. However, we have been unable to determine whether the Italian edition should contain the black plate after Pierre-Paul Prud'hon.

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