Anthologie des poètes du cidre.
[Bayeux, R.P. Colas, 1950].
In-8 (225 x 160 mm), bradel burgundy percaline (Period binding).
One of two proof copies of this unpublished work, in the tradition of the Anthologie des poètes du vin published by Henri Bernet in 1944.
The work comprises a handwritten title page, a 16-page introduction by Henri Bernet, and 41 pages of compositions by Norman cider poets, most of them contemporary: Charles Frémine, Ch.-Th. Féret, Eugène Baillet, Olivier Basselin, Pierre de Marbeuf, François Colletet, Louis Castel, G. Le Vavasseur, Paul Harel, Amelin, Ch. Canivet, Philéas Lebesgue, Gaston Le Révérend and Camille Cé.
Long 18-stanza poem by Louis Beuve, La Cainchon du bouon baire, written in Norman patois.
Enriched copy with 11 handwritten poems, mostly by Norman poets: Camille Cé, Léon Vérane, Albert Foulry, A.-P. Garnier, Henri Bernet; letters from Gaston le Révérend and Jean de La Varende concerning their participation in the work; and a newspaper clipping about cider singers.
An autograph note by Henri Bernet at the end of the volume explains that the volume was not published due to the failure of bookseller-publisher Colas, and that the illustration was to have been done by Jean Chièze.
1 200€
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