[BLANCHAR (Dominique)]



Paris, Grasset, 1939.

In-12 (190 x 120 mm), bradel green percaline; one leaf detached, one spine split (Period binding).

First edition of this play, first performed in 1939 at the Théâtre de l'Athénée under the direction of Louis Jouvet.
Louis Jouvet revived the play in 1947 for the first Edinburgh Festival, with Dominique Blanchar in the role of Ondine. It wasn't until 1949, on the stage of the Théâtre de l'Athénée, that Parisian audiences could applaud the Ondine of “Minou”.

A working copy by Dominique Blanchar, who was preparing the first Parisian performances, copiously marked and annotated by her (and by another hand), testifying to her appropriation of the character of Ondine and the reworking of the text compared to that of 1939.

The actress provides interesting staging information, stage directions and movement plans, as well as repeats of the original text, for example:
Actes I scène 9, Ondine's line "Ah oui ? Très bien" becomes "Va le voir Hans chéri. Dis-lui tout. Dis lui qu'il ne s'effraye pas de moi, dis lui que je ne pèse pas lourd sur sa croupe, que j'aurai une baguette pour chasser les taons de la forêt. Le sommeil vient Hans. Prends moi dans tes bras. Après tu sortiras."
Act II scene 9, Ondine's line "Mais moi, chéri, moi !… Tu aurais besoin des leçons du chambellan , Hans, ne sois pas nerveux. Imite moi " becomes " Très bien, s'il faut pour te plaire mon silence je serai muette ; s'il me faut ne rien voir, je serai aveugle. HANS - On ne t'en demande pas tant, chérie. ONDINE - Ne sois pas nerveux. Imite-moi."

Dominique Blanchar inscribed his name and two addresses on the first cover: that of his parents 5 place du Panthéon and that of the Théâtre de l'Athénée Louis Jouvet 22 rue Caumartin.

A signed photograph by Thérèse Le Prat showing Dominique Blanchar as Ondine is included with the volume.

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