VALLERIOLA (François‎)

Loci medicinae communes, tribus libris digesti. [Suivi de :] Appendix ad tres superiores locorum medicinae communium libros.

‎Lyon, Sebastien Gryphe, 1562.

Two works in one folio volume (330 x 220 mm), (32), 672, 48, (2) pp. soft vellum with re-used covers; light spotting and tarnishing, binding rubbed with small tears, old restorations (18th century binding).

First edition, decorated with a portrait of the author in an engraved medallion and handsome engraved marks by Sébastien Gryphe.

Interesting practice of formerly reinforced binding: the seams joining the soft cover to the nerves did not hold and caused tears and losses of vellum at the spine. These perforations have been filled from the inside with pieces of old vellum.

Early manuscript bookplate “michaelis bretin doct. med.

Baudrier VIII, 305 and 304.


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