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[KOOPS (Matthias)]
Historical account of the substances which have been used to describe events and to convey ideas, from the earliest date, to the invention of paper. Printed on the first useful paper manufactured sole[l]y from straw.
First edition printed on “the first useful Paper which has ever been made from Straw” in order to present this paper to George III and no doubt to potential investors.
Essai sur les nielles, gravures des orfèvres florentins du XVe siècle.
One of two copies printed on straw paper, offering a very rare specimen of this type of paper from the Montgolfier brothers’ factory in Annonay.
FÉNELON (François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon dit)
Directions pour la conscience d’un roi, ou Examen de conscience sur les devoirs de la royauté.
A very rare specimen of straw vellum paper chosen by Antoine-Augustin Renouard as bibliophilic paper.
DESNOS (Louis Charles)
Dissertation historique sur l’invention des lettres ou Caractères d’écriture : sur les instruments dont les anciens se sont servi pour écrire et sur les matières qu’ils ont employées.
48 sample sheets of a new paper invented by Desnos, with an ingenious compartment in the spine for a stylus.
An album of London samples of materials used to create bindings, collected by Canadian bookbinder Oswald Rogers.
An interesting set of bookbinding materials available in London in the 1930s.
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