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Ici commence l’Etente du Roi notre Sire, en l’Isle de Guernesey, extraite de Latin en François, l’An de Grace 1498. [Suivi de :] Ensuit l’Entente des Droits, Coûtumes, Rentes, Revenus, Services & Hommages appartenans & dûs à notre souveraine Dame Elizabeth [Suivi de :] An Extent of His Majesty’s Revenue in the Island of Guernsey made in the Reign of King James I. Anno 1607.
Interesting collection of handwritten copies of the “extentes” of the island of Guernsey, detailing the various revenues of the English crown on the island.
Invoice from a surgeon treating the Jewish community of Avignon.
An intimate source for the inhabitants of the Avignon quarry in the 18th century.
Charming painting of the Virgin Mary crowned with a calligram on the reverse.
Charming painting on vellum skin depicting the Virgin Mary crowned, with a lovely calligram on the reverse.
Manuscript collection of revolutionary songs.
9 revolutionary songs singing of the Montagnards, the Sans-culotte, the Phrygian Cap, the Supreme Being…
Recueil de Nouvelles à la main.
An interesting account of this unofficial journalism, whose subjects merit further study.
Large volume of handwritten copies of travel books from the late 18th century.
Important manuscript containing four copies of travel books from the late 18th century.
Traits pour former la main.
Superb large-format manuscript for teaching calligraphy, signed by a master calligrapher by the name of Huin (?).
Différentes Oeuvres de Monsieur Gacon qui ne sont pas compris dans le Recueil de ses pièces imprimées.Done in Paris on January 27, 1727.
Curious manuscript containing 140 “unpublished” pieces by Lyon poet François Gacon (1667-1725), known as “le Poète sans fard”.
Two autograph letters signed in connection with the publication of Le Dragon Impérial.
“The historical character of the book and the picture of Chinese mores it presents are indeed likely to be of interest at the moment.”
Essai sur les aberrations des étymologistes.
An interesting unpublished manuscript that we haven’t been able to determine whether it’s erudition, literary folly, or a bit of both.
ROGER (Désiré)
Les Joyeuses. From 1845 to 1854.
Autograph manuscript by the chansonnier Eugène Baillet (1829-1906), containing over sixty unpublished chansons populaires by the hunchbacked Parisian chansonnier Désiré Roger (1825-1864).
MOMIGNY (Henri Lysias de)
Autograph music booklet presented to his future wife.
Charming musical manuscript consisting of 20 pages of embossed music paper, 9 of which bear ink compositions and 5 are enhanced in color.
[CHEVALIER D'ÉON (Charles d'Éon de Beaumont dit le)]
Remarques sur Sainct Augustin dans son Commentaire ou Exposition sur l’Évangile de St. Jean sur le Traicté Ier.
From the library of Chevalier d’Éon (1728-1810), with the pagination and four autograph table pages.
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